E-Gift Card

Is this a gift?
Recipient Email
Recipient Message

How do our E-Gift Cards Work?

Just select how much you’d like to send or choose your own amount.

You can send the E-Gift Card directly to the recipient by entering their email address, you can also add a gift message of your choice.

They will receive the E-Gift Card via email with your gift message and an attachment that will show the gifted amount, E-Card and security number.

Please be aware the E- Gift Card will be sent immediately to the recipient via email, upon order completion.

If you wish to send this at a later date, please send it to yourself where you can then forward at your own convenience.

You can also print the E- Gift Card and use it in store or in the café.

Our Gift Cards can be redeemed in-store or in the café and they have an expiry date of 2 years from purchase. Please make a note of this on purchase. You don’t have to use the full amount on 1 purchase.

Experience the best of farm-to-fork dining and countryside charm with our Farm Shop and Cafe Gift Card! This versatile gift card is your ticket to a delightful culinary adventure. Treat your friends and family to the freshest produce and artisanal delights from our farm shop and then let them savour the cozy ambiance and mouthwatering dishes in our charming cafe.

Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just a thoughtful gesture, our gift card unlocks a world of culinary and gift possibilities. With a Farm Shop and Cafe Gift Card in hand, your loved ones can relish the flavours of our carefully selected produce and enjoy the warm hospitality of our cafe. It’s the gift of great taste and cherished memories rolled into one.

Introducing our exclusive Loyalty Rewarded Card which offers you a reward with every purchase in the café or farm shop. Elevate your shopping experience as you earn a point for every pound spent. With every 100 points saved, you can claim £1 back off you shop. Whether you’re treating yourself or finding the perfect gift, our Loyalty Rewarded Card is your key to extra perks and savings. Join now and let your purchases pave the way to a more rewarding shopping experience.

Apply in store at the tills!